Territorial concertation becomes a key element of Law 13/2015, of July 9, in the organization of the system of occupation and the Public Employment Service of Catalonia, which order the system of occupation and regulates the Public Employment Service of Catalonia, SOC, as the center of governance of this system.
Article 15 of the Act refers specifically and monographically to territorial concertation as a facilitator of lacquer to the territory, the coordination and integration of occupational activities.

Within this framework, the Public Employment Service of Catalonia must promote territorial reconciliation with local administrations, the most representative trade union and business organisations of Catalonia, and the entities rooted in the territory.
Territorial conciliation must include diagnosis, coordination, integration and planning proposal, as it can serve to manage or execute employment policies, in accordance with the criteria set out in the Development Plan of the current employment policies (one of the strategic instruments)