Network of public employment and local development services in Catalonia
This initiative arises from the technical representation of Town Halls, County Councils, Consortia and Local Development Agencies that for a month of 30 years manage the active occupation policies of their territories and share experiences and concerns. The Public Employment and Local Development Services are a basic and essential service for citizens and the business fabric of our territories. The technical representation of the Public Services of Employment and Local Development of Catalonia propose a system of joint work of a collaborative nature that allows to achieve the following objectives:

Promote the recognition of the key role of local entities as the main actor in territorial development processes, taking into account their trajectory, proximity to people and companies, knowledge of reality and democratic representation.
The Public Services for Employment and Local Development of Catalonia began the process to establish ourselves as a stable technical working group of knowledge, debate and with a propositional character in the field of active policies of occupation of the Catalan territory. The 1st Technical Working Day of the Public Employment and Local Development Services of Catalonia held in Reus on October 9, 2020, marks the beginning of this process, which has been effectively started in recent months, and which consolidates a trajectory of performance of 3 decades. To jointly face and promote Comprehensive and Intelligent Local Development as a set of actions aimed at achieving the improvement of the quality of life, human dignity and the well-being of local societies, ensuring a constructive and balanced impact on the economic dimensions , institutional, environmental, social and cultural of each of our territories.