Xarxa dlcamp- Declaration of Cessetània
On September 19, 2018, the Commonwealth signed the Cessetania Declaration in the framework of the Conference on the employability of vulnerable groups in the Selva del Camp. The incorporation aims to join the entities of the Camp de Tarragona committed to deploying strategic planning, based on networking and cooperation between public and private socio-economic agents, to promote employment and effective local development in the Camp de Tarragona.

The Declaration of Cessetània was signed on July 6, 2017 where it expresses its commitment to the promotion of the agreement in the Camp de Tarragona promoted by Vallsgenera, Idetsa, Tarragona Impulsa, Conca Activa, the respective City Councils, the County Council the Conca de Barberà and Mas Carandell. Through the Declaration, the signatory entities undertake to deploy strategic plans, based on networking and cooperation between public and private socio-economic agents, to promote employment and effective local development in the Camp de Tarragona, thus responding to the Law 13/2015 on the organization of the employment system and the Public Employment Service of Catalonia for the establishment of territorial strategies and local development in the territory.
The signing of the Cessetània was carried out in the framework of the day of "Good Practices in agreement and territorial strategies of employment and local development", in July 2017 in Alcover, which was attended by, among others, Mercè Garau , director of the Public Employment Service of Catalonia, Mateo Hernando, head of the Local Economic Development Service of the SOC and the consultant in local development and governance, Santi López, and in which up to 5 experiences of territorial development were exposed carried out in Catalonia.